Butterflies - On Wednesday afternoon, we took our butterfly net outside and found a beautiful tree to sit under. I had asked the students earlier in the day to write down their wishes, thoughts, blessings and prayers to say to the butterflies just prior to their release. We sat in a circle, with the butterflies in the middle, and took turns saying our wishes to the butterflies. Some students recited a poem, some said a little prayer, some did a skit and one student sang the butterflies a beautiful song that she wrote. It was quite an emotional moment for all of us. We then opened the door of the net, and slowly watched each and every Monarch butterfly elegantly fly away. Overall, I think this was an incredible learning experience for the students in our class. Many of them were able to witness the butterflies emerging from their cocoons as they sat and watched their development over the past three weeks. Thank you for supporting this cause and helping to fund the butterfly program.
Enjoy the pictures below..
Great video - Today in class we watched an informative video called, If The World Were A Village of 100 people. The information in this video connects to the book we are reading in class, Iqbal, as well as to some of the charities we looked at through Project Give Back. I have included the link to this video below. When you have a moment, I highly recommend you watch this with your family.
We had an interesting class discussion after focussing on how lucky the students in our class are to have all of their needs met on a daily basis. Millions of children around the world do not have food, shelter or access to school. We discussed how important it is to be grateful for a roof over our heads, food on the table, access to schooling and living in a safe and free country. I think this video is an excellent tool for further discussion of how many people around the world are suffering and how fortunate we are to live freely in Canada.
Grade 5 Rights of a Child Project - The grade 5's are currently working on their Rights of a Child Project. They have been asked to choose a right (from the United Nations Charter of Rights and Freedoms) that is meaningful to them and create a 3D artistic piece that represent this right. In addition to the artistic piece, the students have been asked to write a one page description of how it would feel if they did not have this right and what their life may be like if this right was taken away from them..The students have been given time in class all week to work on this project. Many have told me that they are working on the written piece at school and would prefer to do the artwork at home. The due date for this project has been extended to Monday June 9, 2014.
Scientists in the School - On Tuesday June 3rd, we will have another scientist come in to our classroom to do a workshop on Force and Energy. The title of the workshop is, May the Force be With You. The presenter does not require parent volunteers for this workshop.
- Please send your child to school with a water bottle. It gets extremely hot in our classroom during the day and I think it's important for the students to have water on their desks at all time. They should also dress appropriately for the weather and wear cool and light clothing. A hat is recommended for recess and lunchtime outdoor play.
- There will be no more Friday Reports for the rest of the year--great news for our students!
- Friday June 6, 2014 is a PA Day - no school for the students
- Friday June 27, 2014 is the last day of school
Thank you for your ongoing support. It's hard to believe that June is around the corner.
Mrs. Mendelson