Hello families of Room 205s. We've had a very busy week in our classroom. We managed to squeeze a lot of work into a short week. The grade 5's have completed their Prime Minister posters and they began their presentations today. These will continue into the beginning of next week. We are learning about the history and accomplishments of many of Canada's past Prime Ministers. Great work grade 5's!
The grade 4's received their Canada's Provinces and Territories large project this week. This is a 3 part project in which they are asked to complete a travel brochure, a postcard and a persuasive presentation on a given province or territory. In order for this to be fair, the students were asked to choose a province or territory from a hat. They have all been assigned a territory and many of them have started working on their research and jot notes. Their research booklet contains the expectations, the success criteria, several pages for jot notes, a postcard first draft page as well as a self evaluation. The grade 4's are very enthusiastic about this new project! I'd appreciate your assistance in taking your child to the library over the next few days to obtain some books for researching their province/territory. I'd also like them to print out some information from the Internet and bring that in to class as well. The due date for this project is: Tuesday May 13, 2014.
Guest Speaker - Graham's step father, Armin Fischer, came in this week to speak to the students about renewable energy. Armin is a Chemist who worked at the University of Toronto. He brought in a very informative power point presentation in order to educate the students. He discussed important issues such as Global Warming and how it effects us in our lives. He asked the students why they think our planet is getting warmer and how we might go about fixing the problems of global warming.. He discussed the Greenhouse Effect and the ozone layer of our earth, and he explained and gave examples of how and where the following energy sources are used today: Solar Energy, Tidal Energy, Wind Energy, Biomass and Thermal Energy. Thank you Armin for coming in and sharing your knowledge and resources with the class. We always welcome guest speakers.
Enjoy the pictures...
Spirit Week - We had fun dressing up this week for Forest Hill's Spirit Week. Our Spirit Week culminated this afternoon with a school yard clean up in order to support Earth Day. The student's put on their rubber gloves and worked hard to clean up an area of the school yard. Thank you to all the students who participated in this clean up and in spirit week..
Butterflies - In just a few weeks, we will be receiving butterflies. They will arrive as 25 caterpillars in their 2nd instar. This means they have shed their skins once. They will do this a total of 5 times before they pupate (enter the chrysalis state). The students are VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS. Within a few weeks with some warmth, food and love, these will turn into Monarch Butterflies. We will release these butterflies into nature as a class. I am looking forward to this fun and exciting project for our class. We are asking each family to contribute $4.00 to the cost of the butterflies, the food and the net. Thank you very much to those families who have sent in the money and please continue to do so over the next week.
Math Currency Assignmentt - As an extension to our math unit on Money, the students were given a Math Currency Assignment this week to complete. They will require the Internet to complete this 2 sided factual sheet. The students can choose any currency (other than Canadian) that interests them and answer some detailed questions as well as draw a picture of the currency. If they have an example of their currency or some coins at home, they are encouraged to bring them in to class. This assignment is due on Friday May 2, 2014.
- Friday Reports are due on Monday April 28, 2014
- Recorder class is on Wednesday April 30th (Day 3)