Friday, 4 April 2014

Learning from the wisdom of Mother Teresa...

The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.

The above quote was given to the students this week as part of their BFYB-Quote Reflection. The students were asked to explain, in writing, what they thought Mother Teresa meant by this quote and to give an example of the love they feel in their personal lives. Many students read what they wrote and their reflections were very well articulated and meaningful. After this, we watched a short film on India. This film focussed on the life of the rich and poor people living in Mumbai. The students enjoyed watching it and viewing how people in this part of the world live. This was a nice lead in as well to our new book, Iqbal, that we began reading in class this week. 

Grade 5 Tessellations - This week, we looked at M.C. Escher, the famous artist who drew incredible images using tessellations. His work is amazing! The students in grade 5 discussed what a tessellation is and where tessellating objects are found throughout our world. The students made their own unique shape which they then tessellated on a large piece of white paper. The shapes were outlined in black and coloured boldly using markers or pencil crayons. Then the students were asked to create an image or picture using their tessellated shape and explain in writing what it represents. These are displayed in our showcase outside the classroom. This is part of the Transformation Geometry Unit in math.

Math tests - The grade 5's will have their unit math test on Transformational Geometry on Wednesday April 9, 2014. The grade 4's will have their unit math test on Transformational Geometry on Wednesday April 16, 2014. Our next unit in math will be Measurement (Unit 6).

We will spend 2 days reviewing for the test in class and the students are expected to study from their textbook as well. While studying for math, I encourage the students to review each chapter, complete the Show What You Know questions as well as complete questions from each chapter in the unit to ensure complete and full understanding.

Making Sense of Math - Next Thursday April 10th, Forest Hill will be hosting a Math Open House for all parents to attend. We hope you can make it to this fun morning in which you will be solving some of the challenging Math Congress problems presented to the students this year! They are looking forward to acting as the "teachers' and guiding you through the problem step by step as we do in class. If you have not yet returned the pink form that was sent home, please do so as soon as you can. The Open House runs from
9:00 -9:55 am. Thank you!

  • Friday Reports are due on Monday April 7, 2014 *a link in the chain will be added if ALL Friday Reports are handed in on time!
  • Please ensure your child is practicing their recorder several times a week for 5-10 minutes. Mr. Ungvary is finding that the stduents are falling behind in their skills because they are not practicing at home.
Thank you for all your support.
Mrs. S. Mendelson

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