Thursday, 17 April 2014

Kid President!

Hello families of room 205s. I hope everyone has had a good week and enjoyed your Passover celebrations. I read the students a story based on the traditions of Passover and then gave them all a piece of matzah (unleavened bread, similar to a cracker) to eat. They loved it and thought the matzah was delicious! For those of you celebrating Easter this weekend, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends. I know many of the students are excited about their upcoming Easter egg hunt on Sunday as they expressed to me in class today.

Kid President - Below is a link to one of the Kid President videos we watched this week in class. This nine year old boy, Robby Novak, is adorable! There's just no other way to put it. He's wise and witty and very funny. When you have a moment, please watch this and enjoy!

Director's Cut - The students had a great time creating movies last Monday during our one day workshop. Director's Cut brought all the necessary equipment to film a stop animation movie. The students used their Lego figurines as the characters and built sets out of construction paper to accompany their scripts. The results were amazing!! Very creative and humorous movies were made by the stars of room 205s. The movies will be mailed to us in CD form in the next week. Each student will have his/her own copy to take home that will contain all 5 movies produced in class that day.

Math test - Sorry for the confusion...the grade 4 unit math test on Transformational Geometry will be on Monday April 28, 2014. Next week, the students will spend several days reviewing the material in this unit. If they have any questions, they should ask me next week during our review periods. Thank you for your understanding.

Math - The grade 5's are continuing to work on Measurement. They have examined time and distance using SI notation so far in the new unit. They continue to solve problems and are provided with enriched activities to compliment the unit.

McMichael Art Gallery - A permission form was sent home this week for our upcoming field trip to McMichael Art Gallery on May 9, 2014. Please send in the form and the money as soon as you can. We will be taking the school bus to the Gallery and it promises to be a very informative and great experience for the students. I already have two volunteer parents to accompany us on the trip.Thank you for your support.

Grade 5 Prime Minister Poster - This poster is an in class research assignment. By now, all the students should have books and information printed out from the Internet on their specific Prime Minister. The grade 5's are given time in class every day to work on this research. I will provide them with a piece of white paper that they will use for their good copy. This poster is due on Friday April 25th, 2014.

Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday April 18th and Monday April 21st. School will resume on Tuesday April 22nd. There will be NO FRIDAY REPORTS THIS WEEKEND.The students are thrilled!

Thank you for all your support.
Mrs. Mendelson

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